Frequently asked questions
You can apply through our recruiting page By selecting the Open positions button, you can browse all available positions.
You can also select the Connect button and start building your network with us. By doing so, you will be the first to know when new positions become available in our company!
By selecting the Connect button you will be the first to know when new positions became available in our company. When this occurs, you will still need to apply for the position to take part in the recruiting process.
We have two different recruiting processes: open applications and applications for a specific position.
The main difference between these two is that for an open application there is no specific position or location. When a new position becomes available, we will always check the open applications first before even posting the new job.
By sending us an open application, you are sending us a clear message of your interest for our company. We are always on the lookout for talent, so make sure we know about your skills already today!
We do not accept applications through email. We want to ensure that your application reaches all recruiters in LTQ. This will happen when you send your application trough our recruiting system.
Additionally, this ensures your data privacy by keeping all information centrally stored.
Kaikissa työtehtävissä tai kohteissa ei vaadita suomen kielen osaamista vaan englannin kielen taito riittää. Suomen kielen osaaminen voi kuitenkin olla jossain tehtävissä välttämätöntä, jos asiakaskohteessa vaaditaan suomen kielen taitoisia ihmisiä. Meillä voit kuitenkin opiskella suomea!
Finnish language may be a requirement, but not necessarly. English would be a minimum requirement if you don't speak Finnish.
We also provide voluntary Finnish courses at our Headquarters. -
Vastaanotettuamme hakemuksesi lähetämme sinulle sähköpostilla vahvistuksen hakemuksesi saapumisesta. Käsittelemme hakemuksesi mahdollisimman pian ja tarvittaessa pyydämme sinua täydentämään hakemustasi.
Pääsääntöisesti käytämme sähköpostia hakijoiden kontaktoinnissa, joten muistathan tarkistaa sähköpostiosoitteesi oikeaksi.
Avoin haku: Käymme aina ensin avoimet hakemukset läpi ennen kuin avaamme uuden hakuilmoituksen. Otamme sinuun yhteyttä, kun meille avautuu sinua mahdollisesti kiinnostava paikka. Odotusaika saattaa joissakin tapauksissa olla pitkä ja saat meiltä puolen vuoden välein muistutuksen tietojesi ylläpitämisestä.
Haku tiettyyn tehtävään: Työilmoituksissa on kirjoitettu hakuprosessi erikseen auki. Pääsääntöisesti kontaktoimme kiinnostavia hakijoita jo hakuaikana. Haastattelut sovitaan kummallekin osapuolille sopiviksi ja haastattelun yhteydessä kerromme milloin kuulet päätöksestämme. Ilmoituksessa lukee, jos poikkeamme yleisistä käytännöistämme suuresti (esim. työpajarekry).
After submitting your application you will get an email notification. We will read your application as soon as possible and if needed, we will ask you to provide more information.
We use email to contact our applicants, so please make sure your email address is correct.
Open application: We always check our open applications to avoid posting a new position. We may contact any applicants who are suitable. This may take some time depending on the needs we have. You will receive a data retention email from us every six months.
Job specific application: Our process is always described in our job ads. In most cases we will contact suitable applicants before the due date. We will agree a suitable interview date and time. Your interviewer(s) will inform you regarding the decision process. There may be additional activities related to the recruitment process; these will be mentioned in the job ad.
Amongst others, we would be interested in the following:
- Your interest and motivation for the job
- Your attitude towards work in general
- Your earlier work experience
- Your education
- Your language skills
- Any other skills and competencies
Your application may be missing information. We will request more information to better understand your competencies and interests.
If the information is incomplete, we will not be able to process your application.
We inform all applicants personally by email or phone.
Contact person is mentioned in the job ad. They will be able to provide you with more information.
If you have any questions regarding our recruitment system, you can contact or call us on 020 741 7150.